Monday, March 4, 2013

Introductory Speech Rubric

Public Speaking Speech of Introduction

Grade Received
No speech is given. 
A school-appropriate speech s given.  It may or may not give information about the speaker.  It does not have a larger message.  It is entirely underdeveloped. 
A school-appropriate speech is given on an aspect of the speaker’s life.  It provides information about the speaker, but it does not have a larger message. 
A school-appropriate speech is given on an aspect of the speaker’s life.  It provides new information about the speaker, but its message for the audience may not be clear. 
A speech is presented on a school-appropriate aspect of the speaker’s life.  The speech both provides new information about the speaker and it provides the audience with a clear message.  It is well-developed with many details, which lend itself to the speaker’s competence in delivering his or her message.

The speech lacks any logical structure.  As a result it may be difficult for an audience to follow.
The speech has some logic to its structure, but that structure is not one of the ones that we reviewed in class.
The speech seems to be given using one of the discussed speech structures, but it is not used effectively.  It may be confusing or it may inappropriately mesh speech structure styles. 
The speech is given using one of the three discussed speech structures.  However, the speech may not completely utilize the speech structure in an appropriate manner. 
The speech is given using a narrative, categorical, or cause-effect design appropriately.  (See the example excerpts in your packet).  If a narrative design is used, dialogue is included and it has a prologue/epilogue in place of an intro/conclusion. 

Accompanying Outlines and Self-Awareness Inventory
None of the supporting documents were handed in. 
Two documents are missing, but the other is completed in full according to directions. 
One document is missing, but the others are completed in full according to directions.
All three documents are handed in following the presentation, but they may not be completed fully or according to directions. 
Following the presentation, student handed in the appropriately completed self-awareness inventory, full outline, and key not outline.

Delivery/ Ethos
The speaker does nothing to spice up the delivery/establish ethos. 
The speaker may make some, ineffective attempts to establish ethos/deliver the speech effectively. 
The speaker makes some slightly effective attempts to establish one or two aspects of ethos.  The speech may or may not be engaging or easy to hear. 
The speaker delivers the speech fairly well.  Some attempts are made to establish ethos, but one or two may not have been as well developed as the others. 
The speaker delivers the speech well.  It is engaging and easy to hear.  The speaker also takes steps to establish competence (see content), goodwill (smiled, shared feelings, made appropriate jokes), integrity (straightforward, committed to message), and dynamism (was confident, made eye contact, used appropriate gestures).. 

No presentation is given. 
Speech is less than three minutes in length. 
 Speech is between five and seven minutes in length but is devoid of engaging and relevant information
Speech is between three and five minutes in length as the result of detailed, engaging, and relevant content. 
Speech is between five and seven minutes in length, but some of this information may not be engaging or relevant.    
Speech is between five and seven minutes in length as a result of detailed, engaging, and relevant content. 

Overall Grade:  

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