Monday, March 18, 2013

PS Scenarios

  1. You have been asked to speak to a Community Club at a high school in Mesquite, TX about immigration.  Stance: You are explaining why it is important to welcome newcomers to the country.
  2. You are giving a speech to a UCLA audience that falls into an age group known as "Millenials."  You are trying to persuade this group to support a radical Health Care Bill that would restructure much of the existing system.  
  3. You are on the campaign trail for a conservative presidential hopeful in Mandaree, ND.  Your suportee is interested in hearing from the people, but in his earlier days as a senator, he was known to support treaty-breaking government activities.
  4. You are giving a speech about loosening gun control to an urban population of mixed ages in Rochester, NY.  The last time you gave this speech was when you were visiting a rural audience in NC.
  5. You are speaking to a retirement community in FL on the behalf of a nearby pharmacy, one which serves most of the community's population.  Due to recent budget cuts, you have to break the news that a popular medical package no longer will be offered.  As an employee of the pharmacy, your job is to avoid loosing customers.  
  6. You are giving a speech to a ladies' book club in Minnesota in an attempt to sell a set of encyclopedias.  The proceeds benefit soldiers overseas.  You recently found out that one of the book club's members lost her son in the war.
  7. You are giving a speech to small business owners on the outskirts of Pittsburgh, PA.  You are campaigning for a politician who wants to increase tourism to this area just outside of the city.  This politician plans to achieve this through an ad campaign supported by tax increases.  

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