Monday, April 29, 2013

Children's Story Presentations

-Review of another sample story/what makes a good storyteller
-Telling our chosen tales + taping for our personal reviews
-Time Remaining: Work on your supporting information sheet (you may have to finish your source notes if you have yet to complete those)

-Supporting Info Notes (due Wed.)
-Wednesday agenda: Outlining

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Workshop: May 6th Speech

-Score Reports
-What will your final speech look like?

-Supporting Information Worksheet (see previous post)

  • You need to finish your web evaluations and notes before doing this

-Bring children's book for tomorrow
-Be prepared to present the book on Monday
-Finish the supporting information worksheet for Wednesday

Choosing Supporting Information for Your Speech

Gathering Supporting Material for Our Speeches

 Copy this into a Google Doc and answer the questions.  You will need to choose one of each type of supporting material from your sources to include in your final speech.  (This means that you need to have already finished your notes on your sources.  These were due when you got back from break.)  You may need to refer back to the class handouts on each type of supporting material to help you to answer the questions.

1.       Facts and Statistics
a.       What is the fact/stat?
b.      Do you need it to be general or precise for your audience?
c.       Does it meet the 4 Rs (relevant, representative, recent, reliable)?
d.      What citation information do you need for this source (look back at what you typed in your notes)?
2.      Testimony
a.       What information is stated in the testimony?
b.      Which type of testimony is it?
c.       Will you provide a direct quote, or will you paraphrase?
d.      What citation information do you need for this source (look back at what you typed in your notes)?
3.      Example
a.       What information is stated in the example?
b.      Which type of example is it?  Why does this type suit your needs?
c.       What colorful/vivid details can you include?
d.      Do you include concrete details (names, times, places, etc.)
e.       What citation information do you need for this source (look back at what you typed in your notes)?
4.      Narrative (Remember, that unlike an example, this is set up as a story)
a.       What information is being told through the narrative?
b.      What are your prologue, plot, and epilogue?
c.       Is there dialogue you can include?
d.      Does this narrative fit with the purpose of your whole speech?
e.       What citation information do you need for this source (look back at what you typed in your notes)?

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Captivating an Audience

-When to use which types of supporting ideas
-Storytelling Tips
-Analysis of Professional Storytelling:
-Story Survey

Story title?
  1. Which part of the story will you focus on in your three minute presentation?
  2. Are there any words that you do not recognize?  List them here.  Look up their pronunciation, and write that out here.
  3. Which characters are in your story?  What type of voice will you use when they are speaking?
  4. Are there any key sections of your text during which you will need to make eye contact with your audience?  Which section is this?
-Decide on a story for tomorrow
-Make sure that you have kept up with your paper research so that you will be able to continue work in class tomorrow

Monday, April 22, 2013

Supporting Your Ideas: Examples and Narratives

-Bell Work: Hand in work from break
-Supporting Your Ideas Notes: Examples and Narratives
-Reading: "Acres of Diamonds"

  • Circle or underline examples and narratives
  • Label the type of example or narrative
  • Note whether or not you think that it is used effectively

-Finish analysis
-Choose your favorite children's story, and be prepared to share it on Wednesday.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Testimonial Examples

-Testimonial Sheet Review
-Speech Analysis

  • Find five examples of facts or statistics
    • Is it general or precise?
    • What is its context of use?
    • Use the 4 Rs to determine whether or not this fact or stat is used effectively.
  • Find three examples of testimonials
    • Which type of testimonial is it?
    • Is it a direct quote, or is it paraphrased?
    • Is it used appropriately? (Check the use guidelines).

-Finish your speech analysis (these are due Monday.  No late speeche analyses will be accepted).  
-Notes on your four sources are due on Monday if you did not hand them in today

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Fire Day

-Review of the rest of facts/stats
-Speech Analysis Directions

-Notes on your four sources are due on Friday.  If you know you are not going to be here, you need to e-mail or share them with me before break so that they will not be considered late.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Facts and Statistics to Support our Ideas (TBC)

-Discussion of how notes are to be taken for this class

  • Google Docs or paper
  • Refer to handout for what information you need from each source
  • Remember that you need to cite the sources that you use verbally!
-Supporting your ideas: facts and statistics
  • Building a context
  • General v. specific facts's activities will be continued tomorrow due to the unexpected field trip interruption.  

-Notes for all four sources due Friday
(If your source was not credible according to your analysis, you may have to find an additional source)

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Evaluating Sources

-Review of what we know
-Group Practice: Advocacy v. Information Sites
-Independent Practice with chosen sources
-Library Visit for book source

-Complete sheet for sources

Friday, April 5, 2013

Researching our Topics

-Research Overview

  • Finding a general encyclopedia article
  • Using the article to find key terms
  • Using the article to find additional resources
-Internet Research
  • Search Engines
  • Online Directories
  • Library Resources


Thursday, April 4, 2013

Review Day

Catch-up day for the completion of missing work.

Semester 3 Extra Credit Assignment

The following is the text of the letter regarding the extra credit assignment.

February 26, 2013

You may be aware that Green Mountain Power is holding a contest called the Vermont Writers' Prize.  Entries can be sent anytime before November 1st.  The theme is "Vermont--Its People, the Place, Its History or Its Values," and the prize is $1500.  The winning entry will be in VERMONT MAGAZINE in the March/April edition.  Entries can be essays, short stories, or poems and cannot exceed 1500 words.  Send to Vermont Writers' Prize c/o Green Mountain Power, 163 Acorn Lane, Colchester, VT, 05446.

Enclosed is my entry which deals with my hometown of Proctor.  I thought that some of your teachers or students might be interested (and perhaps submit their own entries).


Ray Pentkowski

(If you would like to see the sample entry, please get a paper copy of the contest details from class).

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Refining Specific Purpose/Our Knowledge of the Topic

-Sharing and critiquing specific purpose
-Survey: What do you already know about your topic
-Quiz Review

-Extra credit and all make-up work is due Friday

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Improv Day II

-Breakdown of previous exercise
-Salesman Exercise

-Complete the brainstorming steps for a topic area of your choice